Monday, March 10, 2008

Season finale of The Wire

At first we were reluctant to post anything about the season finale of the wire since we were kinda upset about the way the show ended last night. Then or hopes were lifted when we came to the realization that maybe a movie is in the works for the Wire and they are saving the real ending for the big screen.
Either way one hour and 35 minutes was just not enough time to end the 5 season show off right. It was if they tried to squeeze everything in and it just left fans pissed off!

First off we were so shocked to see what became of Duquan. At first when he appeared at the school the show had the viewers thinking Dukie was going to get it together. Soon there after we realized he had fallen through the cracks and had become a junkie like most homeless children become. While Duquan was one of the lows that had us shedding tears Bubbles sure did have us shedding tears of joy. How happy were you to see his sister finally allow him into her home. He was looking really good in the last episode, so happy that he made it out. It also looks like Omar's character has resurfaced through young Michael. His last words sounded as if they came right outta Omar's mouth.
“ And that’s just a knee right there”!

The finale seemed to dwell too much on The Sun and all those crooked cops and politicians. The Wire showed that the ones enforcing the laws can be just as crooked as the ones breaking them. When it was time to decide whether they were going to clean up the mess that McNulty had started or hide the dirt they decided to roll with the easy way out, hide the mess!
Just like Daniels said, what's the point if one generation is too busy training the next how not to do the job?

Even though we are still upset about the way the show ended all in all The Wire is one of the best shows ever to grace HBO! No other cop show has ever depicted real life in the streets like the Wire did.
What is your take on the Wire season finale, tell us how you feel about It!
(photo courtesy of wireimage)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to agree on everything u said. I am so sad that was the finale. I have to get all the box sets when they come out. The wire was the shittttttttttt!:)
