Friday, July 11, 2008

Fly Guy’s 5 Keys To Being A Great Boyfriend.

Last week I featured The fly Guys 5 Keys to being a great girlfriend. Now he posted what us ladies look for in a great boyfriend. Great job flyguy,check out his blog for more The Fly Guy Chronicles

1. He Listens Every man thinks he knows how to be a great listener. But such an assertion is perhaps more off base than R. Kelly’s belief that 14 is the new 21. A great listener does more than just quietly sit by while his woman pours her heart out. Instead, he actively participates in the conversation by asking questions, and showing a genuine interest in the topic. You know what this says? It says that he cares and finds her interesting—which are two things that most women consider important.

2. He Pays Attention to the Little Things From noticing that she got her hair done, to pointing out the fact that she’s dropped a few pounds, nothing screams great boyfriend like a man who automatically notices the little things. It shows that he’s paying attention, and is in tune to what’s going on in her life. By exhibiting such a positive trait, his girlfriend will wind up loving him more than Diddy loves …well, Diddy.

3. He Trusts Her A great boyfriend realizes that no woman wants to be suffocated due to a lack of trust. Once he provides her with ample space to live her life, and ceases to interrogate her about as often as I question Blanket actually being Michael Jackson’s child, then she’ll begin to realize that she’s uncovered a valuable commodity. A trusting man.

4. He Challenges Her To Better Herself A great boyfriend strives to inspire his girlfriend. By taking on the role of number #1 cheerleader, he pushes her to accomplish things that might have otherwise fallen by the wayside. Perhaps she always wanted to write a book, or maybe she had dreams of one day owning her own Pizza Hut (hey, it happens.) No matter the desire, the boyfriend faithfully stands by her side as the chief supporter in her pursuit of greatness.

5. He Makes Her Feel Appreciated Daily The most impressive trait of a great boyfriend is his ability to display his appreciation daily. It could be something as small as remarking on her how beautiful she is, or as simple as expressing his gratitude that she bought Fruity Pebbles instead of Apple Jacks this time around. Whatever the case may be, he never takes her for granted and certainly never misses an opportunity to make her feel special.

The Fly Guy Moral: Now that I’ve detailed the great boyfriend essentials, allow me to break it down on even simpler terms. We could probably sit here all day compiling a list of things that most women would like to have in a man. But in my experience, all of those traits lead back to one main ingredient. Respect. A great boyfriend is one who not only respects himself, but also respects his woman. This respect is displayed through many of the traits that I just detailed, as well as in the way he cherishes the relationship in general.

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