Thursday, July 3, 2008

Check up on iT! The fly chronicles

Being a blogger I have become a fan of various blogspots. One of my favs happens to be the fly guy chronicles. He often has great reads about relationships and here is one that I just had to share. Check iT out!

5 Key Traits Of A Great Girlfriend.

#1- She’s Independent

This trait gets a tremendous amount of negative publicity from some single women. Apparently there’s a widespread misconception that most men don’t want an independent woman. Well that’s more off base than the time Jessica Simpson thought The Gap Band was an alternative to getting braces.
A real man appreciates when his girlfriend has her own personality and opinions, and can stand on her own both financially and emotionally. That’s a true turn-on, as the relationship begins to feel much more like an equal partnership.
(Note: Embrace your independence, but don’t use it as a badge of honor … that’s when it stops being a positive trait.)

#2- She’s Intelligent
Having someone that’s beautiful but dumb gets old about as fast as Samuel L. Jackson yelling in all of his movies. That’s why it’s great to have a girlfriend that can meet you on an intellectual level. Her wit and intellect keep you on your toes, and deepens your attraction past the physical realm … making it another great quality for a girlfriend.

#3- She Allows You To Be A Man

A great girlfriend understands that men and women are intrinsically different, and allows you to be who you are…a man. Which means she won’t force you to start using pink and lavender toilet tissue, or sit through a "Desperate Housewives" marathon. A great girlfriend also doesn’t get bent out of shape when her man tries to do "guy things" like watch the game or occasionally hang out with his friends.

#4- She Loves You

On the surface, such a trait would seem like a given. But allow me to dig even deeper than Michael Jackson’s pile of unpaid bills. A great girlfriend loves her man…flaws and all. To her, it’s okay that he isn’t the best dresser, or that his jokes fall flatter than Arsenio Hall’s career. She just loves him for him, and takes the time to show him how much she appreciates him each day.

#5- She Makes You Strive To Better Yourself

This may be my favorite one of all. A great girlfriend inspires you to improve yourself without even saying anything. Just being around her makes you want to better yourself. Suddenly you begin to get your finances in order, you start treating people better … you even clip your toenails on a consistent basis. And that’s all because of your great girlfriend. She just has that kind of effect on you.The Fly Guy Moral: So there’s my list. If you’re current girlfriend possesses those traits, then I’d say you were in great shape. If she doesn’t…well, I’ll keep you in my prayers.

**To read more from The Fly Guy, visit The Fly Guy Chronicles

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